Victim Notification
Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE) is a solution that lets victims
of crime and other concerned citizens access timely and reliable information
regarding offenders.

It is free of charge and is completely confidential. Offering peace of mind and
services in multiple languages,
VINE allows crime victims call a toll free number,
visit the
VINE website, or download the mobile app to anonymously check an
offender's status.

Crime victims can register to receive automated notifications about changes in
custody status via their choice of format either by phone, email, or text.

You can call
VINE at 866-727-2846.
You can download the app from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
Click below to go to their website:
To preserve and protect victims' rights to justice and due process regardless of
race, sex, age, religion, economic, status, victims of crime have the right to:

- be treated with fairness, respect and dignity;
- be free from intimidation or harm throughout the criminal and juvenile justice
- be informed about victims' rights;
- be reasonably informed about criminal proceedings;
- be informed if the accused is arrested, released, or escapes;
- confer with the prosecution before the case is heard in court;
- be present at criminal proceedings where the accused has the right to be present;
- be heard at proceedings affecting bond, bail, release, pleas or sentencing;
- have reasonable access to documents relating to the crime before trial;
- receive restitution from the adult or juvenile offenders; and
- a reasonable, prompt and final conclusion of the case.

Excerpted from the Constitution of South Carolina, Article I, Section 24
(This is a condensed reference and is not intended to substitute for the law.)
St. George Police Department
Town of St. George
South Carolina
St. George Police Department Victim Services _______________________________________________________________________
St. George Police Department. All Rights Reserved.
South Carolina Crime Victims' Constitutional Rights